Saturday, February 17, 2007

Cannibal Holocaust(1980)

Made nearly 30 years ago, we have Ruggero Deodato's infamous cult classic "Cannibal Holocaust". This film is still shocking people with its brutal deaths or real animal slaughters. Shot on location in New York and the Amazon, it has visually stunning locations.

A film crew heads out to the Amazon to film a documentary about cannibalism. The crew murders and rapes the cannibal tribes to get the best shot possible, this is what leads to there demise. After months of not having any contact with the crew a search team is assembled to look for the missing crew. The search team is leaded by the Dean of Anthropology at New York University, Dr. Harold Monroe. As they are in the jungle looking for the crew they see the cannibals with possessions that belonged to the crew. Once they see the film canisters the smart Dr. Harold Monroe(played by porn star Robert Kertman) trades the film for a voice recorder. When they are back in New York they review what footage was shot, because they were going to edit it together and shot a tv documentary. When they are done with the film, they destroy it because of the unbelievable content on it.

Cannibal Holocaust is the film that got me in to horror, and still is one of my favorite films. The film is extremely savage, with amazing effects. If the animal violence kept you from watching the film in the past, now you can pick up the dvd released by Grindhouse Releasing, it has an "Animal Cruelty Free Version" that goes black before every animal death.

Some douche bag at Relevant Entertainment Group decided it would be a good idea to remake this film. This is an outrage, there is no way this film could even be remade today. It would be a steaming pile of shit.

Sign the petition to stop this remake.

Feel free to contact them and tell them how you feel also.

Relevant Entertainment Group
144 South Beverly Drive, Suite 400
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Telephone: (310) 246-1212


450 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10016
Telephone: (212) 431-0001

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I have made at least 20 people sign the petition.....